Motorcycle Maintenance Tips and Checklist Guide for 2024

Jul. 10 2023 Miscellaneous By Riva Motorsports Miami team

Your Motorcycle Maintenance Checklist

Sunny skies and long stretches of open road beckon every motorcyclist to head out on a joy ride. Your motorcycle might even be your primary means of transport, allowing you to run errands and commute to work, too. Regardless of whether you’re using your motorcycle for essential transport or pleasure riding, you’ll want it to be in great shape. Fortunately, motorcycle maintenance isn’t too difficult, if you know what to look for and have the correct tools. 

Riva Motorsports Miami is your local motorcycle dealer, serving the greater Miami area, so we know all the basics of motorcycle maintenance. Follow this checklist to get your bike in great shape for your next ride.

Belts & Chains

The power produced by your engine needs to reach the wheels and this is done through the use of either belts or chains. You’ll need to regularly inspect whichever one you have. If you have chains, lubricate them regularly to ensure they move easily. If your bike uses belts, then inspect them for fraying or tears that could require immediate attention or replacement. Both set-ups require the slack to be adjusted so it’s neither too loose nor too tight.


Your bike’s tires hold up the whole vehicle and take on all the stresses of the road, so make sure that they’re in great condition before every ride. Check the tire pressure and air up your tires to the manufacturer’s specifications. While you’re doing that, examine the tread depth and make sure that there are no cracks, no bald spots and no embedded objects in your tires.


Top off your brake fluid in both the front and back reservoirs on a regular basis. Inspect the brake pads at the same time to see that they’re wearing evenly and not too thin or worn through. If you notice any grinding, squeaking or pulsating, then get your brake system checked by a professional mechanic.


Fuel filters get clogged up sometimes and this makes them inefficient. If your bike sputters upon starting, then you may need to replace the fuel filters. Switching to a high octane fuel if you ride infrequently can prevent corrosion. Make sure to always fill up your gas tank before a drive, too.

Your motorcycle’s oil is as vital as the oil in your passenger car, and can be checked in the same way. Pull out the dipstick, wipe it down, insert it, then pull it out again. You want the oil to be reasonably clear and not goopy or thick, which means it needs replacing. The oil filter needs to be replaced at the same time as your oil change. Top off the oil as necessary. If you find metallic shavings or filings in your oil, you should take your bike to the mechanic because this means that parts of your engine may be grinding against each other.


Just like the battery in your car, your motorcycle’s battery needs to be checked regularly. If your motorcycle isn’t starting, make sure that your battery is in good shape. It could just need to be recharged, but if it’s very low or old, it may need to be replaced instead. If, after replacing or recharging your battery, you find that it still drains too quickly, then the problem could be with your alternator. For major battery issues, contact the Riva Motorsports Miami service department so our mechanics can help you out.

When storing your bike for an extended period of time, it’s good to remove your battery and place it on a tender or have a solar charger hooked up to it. When not in use, batteries deplete with time and you could be facing a dead battery if you don’t disconnect the leads from the posts to prevent it from draining.

Looking to upgrade your current motorcycle? Visit our Miami showroom to see our huge selection of motorcycles for sale, both new and used, by all the greatest brands. Riva Motorsports Miami serves the cities of Fort Lauderdale, Kendall, Fort Myers, Naples and  Broward County, Florida.