All-terrain vehicles, or ATVs, are widespread across the United States, especially in Miami. Unfortunately, this popularity also means that they are highly sought after for theft. Given that a typical ATV represents a significant investment, it makes a lot of sense to ensure that you keep yours as safe as possible. Here are some ideas about how to go about this and the ATV anti-theft mechanisms available.

Secure Your Ignition Keys

Many ATVs stolen in the United States are not stolen through hot-wiring as one would imagine. Instead, thieves usually find the ignition keys conveniently resting in the ATV and simply drive off. So one way of ensuring that this does not happen to you is to secure your ATV keys as soon as you park. If you are using your ATV on the beach and have no pockets to put your ATV keys in, you can carry a special water-proof bag to help secure the keys.

Use Wheel and Steering Locks

One way of making it hard for thieves to steal your ATV is to use steering and ATV wheel locks. Wheel locks encompass the wheel of the ATV and prevent it from rotating, making theft impossible. Steering locks do the same thing, but the steering wheel gets locked in this case, making operating the ATV impossible.

Use Handlebar Locks

There are handlebar locks available, too. These locks can be used on the front brake lever and ensure the ATV remains in brake status and cannot be moved. Make sure to get one that is durable and tamper-proof.

Use Anchors

Many places with ATVs often have ATV anchors built into walls or heavy immovable objects. Anchors are used in securing ATVs by tying a heavy chain on the ATV to the anchor and securing it with a padlock, making it impossible for anyone to drive off with your ATV. You can use some of these measures together with ATV wheel locks.

GPS Tracker

Having a GPS tracker may not necessarily stop someone from stealing your ATV, but it will make it likely that you will recover it. When activated, GPS trackers send out signals that can be picked up by satellites, which are then relayed to a device held by the owner of the ATV or even a security company. You can give GPS tracking data to law enforcement officers so they are led right to where the stolen ATV is.

When Using Trailers

Another way your ATV may get stolen is when it is on a trailer. Even if the ATV is secured to the trailer, thieves simply unhitch the trailer and make away with the whole thing. Fortunately, there are ways of preventing this as well. Some mechanisms can lock your trailer to the towing mechanism of your car, making it impossible for a thief to detach the trailer. In securing the ATV onto the trailer, you can also use ATV wheel locks to secure the ATV further.

When in storage, ensure that you keep your ATV off the trailer. While keeping it on will save you time on your next trip, it also makes it easy for a thief to steal it. It would be best to consider investing in a lockable garage where the trailer and ATVs are kept. If you don't have access to a lockable garage, ensure that the trailer and ATVs are secured using wall/ground anchors.

Use Professionals To Service Your ATV

One of the ways in which suspicious people can get access to your ATV's ignition keys is when you take it to a back alley service shop. For this reason, always use reputable ATV service shops such as Riva Motorsports Miami. With over four decades of experience, you can depend on us to care for your ATV.

The Best ATV & UTV Repair & Maintenance in Miami

To sum it all up, keeping your ATV safe is easy as long as you follow the suggestions listed above. If you are looking for quality ATV parts and accessories such as ATV wheel locks, come to Riva Motorsports Miami. We have everything you need to secure your ATV, and we price all our products very competitively. Get in touch with us today.

Featured Image: Zossia/Shutterstock